Friday, September 2, 2016

iTunes U

Last night at our meeting, I showed you a possible resource that parents and students can use to help you with apps or how to use the iPad and that is iTunes U.

You can find the app on their iPad - they should have installed it from the "Catalog" app.

Once you are in, tap the "featured" link (with the big star above it) at the bottom of the screen. 

In the search box in the upper right hand corner of iTunes U, you can type in "iPad tutorials", "iPad security", "iPad basics" - or you can type in the name of an app like "Notability" that our students are using. You will get a WIDE array of documents and videos that you can use to help you when you are trying to learn the basics - or even help you become more advanced than your student.

Here is a short tutorial video about iTunes U from YouTube. 

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