Saturday, July 8, 2017

Another Great Website

In your continued battle to protect the mind of your children's minds, get peace of mind. Check out the advantages of Covenant Eyes:

Friday, January 20, 2017


We'd like to formally invite you to join The Axis Virtual Parenting Teens Summit 
that will be launching on February 2, 2017. Sign up soon to claim your FREE ticket. 
This online event is completely free for the first 72 hours of each speaker's talk, and
 you can purchase lifetime access to all of the content to view any time for $97.







We hope you'll take advantage of this very unique event. We've poured so much
 into this summit and know that it will help the parents and influencers of teens 
and pre-teens that participate. See you then?

For the next generation,
Jeremiah Callihan
Axis Experience Executive
888-719-2947 x.101

Update your email preferences to choose what type of email you want.

Home Filtering Protection


If your student has their own tech device, what safety measures have you put into place? Here is one new item that may be a huge safety help and can help you keep a balance between tech world and keeping them in the real world:

"Circle with Disney, on sale beginning today for $99...It’s a small cube that pairs with a local Wi-Fi network to give parents control over what kind of content their kids’ devices can access, and for how long. If Karen’s watching too much YouTube, for instance, you can limit her iPhone to an hour (or more, or less) of videos. You can “pause” Wi-Fi throughout the house for an extended period, and monitor time spent not just online but on which apps and content types." There are also filters for safety and you can designate different controls for different family members.


Any other help that you can offer to parents, please share. We are in this together!

Parent University at FMCS

Friday, December 9, 2016

Warning Sounded on Tech Disrupting Student Sleep


Educators who promote the use of education technology are working harder to caution students and parents about the impact of digital devices and the "blue light" they emit, which can disrupt student sleep patterns. CLICK HERE

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Online Chatting

I was made aware of a chatting situation recently so as a responsible principal I thought I would just share some safe tips with our parents. 

RE: students and online chatting 

It is a good practice to make sure you know:
- Is your student chatting?
- Who are they chatting with?
- What is the conversation?

They are still at that age that we need to be very open and involved in this part of their lives. 

Resource Guide - click here

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Snapchat Part II

For those parents who would like to learn more about Snapchat: click here

So, just how popular is Snapchat?
  • 9,000 pictures sent every second on Snapchat 
  • 150 million daily active users 
  • over 200 million users
  • 10 billion daily video views 
  • 70% of users are under 30 years of age 
  • 60% of users contribute content daily
  • Average user spends 30 minutes per day on app

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Internet Safety

Two very important articles from the Family First Websites:

1. iMom - The Truth About Porn Moms Need To Know

2. All Pro Dad -  Internet Rules

BONUS - this site can be a very good tool for parents to help set restrictions on Apple devices

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Answering your questions - What is Snapchat?

From the RSVP form from our last Digital Parenting Meeting, the questions was asked: what is Snapchat?

This video gives a quick description as well as advice for you to give your kids. You can find this article here

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Apple Store Workshops

Here are the links for the hour long workshops at our two local Apple Stores. Make sure that you click on the course for "iPad basics":

Coconut Point Store

Waterside Shops in Naples

Be sure to reserve a day and time. A great way for parents to learn how to use an iPad.

Friday, September 2, 2016

iTunes U

Last night at our meeting, I showed you a possible resource that parents and students can use to help you with apps or how to use the iPad and that is iTunes U.

You can find the app on their iPad - they should have installed it from the "Catalog" app.

Once you are in, tap the "featured" link (with the big star above it) at the bottom of the screen. 

In the search box in the upper right hand corner of iTunes U, you can type in "iPad tutorials", "iPad security", "iPad basics" - or you can type in the name of an app like "Notability" that our students are using. You will get a WIDE array of documents and videos that you can use to help you when you are trying to learn the basics - or even help you become more advanced than your student.

Here is a short tutorial video about iTunes U from YouTube. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Our First Digital Parenting Night!

Thank you to our middle school parents for coming out to our first Digital Parenting Night! Thank you also to Miss Cadwell and Mr. Sinex for their help. As promised, here is the link to my slideshow presentation - if you get a message, just click ok (it will depend on what browser you use. You are just trying to view it and not create your own presentation, so just click ok)

If you have questions you would like us to tackle in this Blog to help you as a Christian parent in a digital world, send your questions to 

"Right Click: Parenting Your Teenager In A Digital Media World"

I cannot recommend this book enough for Christian parents who are looking for advice and direction maneuvering the world as digital immigrants while raising digital natives. Our teachers read this book as our summer reading project in preparation for the upcoming school year. There are not only tech tips for parents but advice and wisdom shared by parents that talk about issues they are dealing with at home with their children and their devices. 

You can order the book or download the Ebook on Amazon and support Fort Myers Christian with Amazon Smile!